Aren’t All Companies Pyramid Schemes?

Most pyramid scheme distributors don’t deny their company is a pyramid scheme and then try to defend legitimacy of their business by suggesting that every company out there is a pyramid scheme. Quite often they’ll use an analogy of company directors, managing store managers, managing employees at the bottom level of a ‘pyramid’ to prove that their business is just as legal as any other company, and then they suggest that you could be your own company director and be at the top.

At face value, it sounds great…but it could not be more baseless, stupid and incorrect.

When you look at a store employee, civil servant, or engineer….Do any of those make their salary recruiting other people to perform the same job as they do? You could argue that a HR advisor recruits, but they don’t recruit a chain of HR people who recruit more HR people, etc. They recruit people for other vacant positions in a corporate hierarchy, and those people perform their individual duties, which don’t typically include recruiting any others.

The employee or manager in a normal company isn’t required to buy product to join the company or to start earning salary.

In a pyramid scheme, there is a massive risk YOU could be in the bottom levels and there’s no-one left to recruit and thus losing all the money that you’ve already ‘invested’ to join. Alternatively, you could potentially be in the level above the bottom level and be directly responsible for convincing and recruiting someone only for them to make a loss.

Most companies simply have a hierarchical organisation of people fulfilling their duties. It is NOT a dirty shady pyramid scheme with endless manipulating and recruiting of two or three people to make an investment, risking money and exploiting the people around you.

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